Saturday, 14 January 2012


INVITATIONS   50 words-5 marks short writing skill
                    The Principal, Staff and Students ………………………….host’s name
                            of XYZ Public School
                          cordially invite you to their……………………invitation & to whom
             ANNUAL CULTURAL FUNCTION……………….event(highlight)
                         on Saturday, November 27, 2008…………………… & date
                         at 6 pm                                         ……………………..time
                         at Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi     ……………………..venue

                           Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma……………..Chief guest
                     the renowned Santoor Maestro…………………his eminence/designation
                  will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest…………consent

R.S.V.P                                                                      Card valid for two
School reception                                                                                Please be seated by
4, White Avenue                                                                                  5.45 pm
Ph: 28888888                  Programme overleaf

Instructions have been given in red ink

Points to remember
Each piece of information to be given in separate line
Do not use a full stop anywhere
Design a card ensuring that the margin on either side of written content is equal
Instructions - to be given on the right hand side bottom of the page
Formal invitation card is drafted in the Third person i.e.They, he, she etc.                           


                                              Shankar Art Club
                                cordially invites all budding artists of Delhi
                            on the occasion of its Silver Jubilee Celebrations
                                                 to participate in an
                                On the Spot Painting Competition
                                    on Sunday, January 23, 2009
                                            from 10am-1pm
                                            at Modern Art Gallery, India Gate
                                                Shri M.F. Hussain
                                             the world renowned artist
                               has graciously consented to give away the prizes
                          R.S.V.P                                                                                   Kindly register by 9.30am
                            Shankar House                                                                    Category A (8-12 years)
                           Ph: 28888888-89                                                            Category B (13-17 years)
                           Fax: 28888877                                                              Art material will be provided

                                        Mrs and  Mr J.P. Sinha
                                       cordially invite you with family                                   
                                            on the auspicious occasion
                                      of the wedding of their daughter
                    (Son of Mrs and Mr N.T.Singhvi)
                               on Wednesday, 24 July 2009
                               at8 pm
                  at their residence -2, orchid Road, Bangalore
         Programme: Wedding Ceremony 8.15pm
                                                           followed by Dinner
                       RSVP                                                                  With Best Compliments
                   Sumit Sinha
                  Shrinath Sinha                                                          Family & Relatives
                  2, orchid road, Bangalore
                  Ph: 4132987                                   
PLS put the invitation in a box

REPLIES (FORMAL-Acceptance and Regret)
15 July 2009

Mr. and Mrs. G. Gupta thank Mr. and Mrs. J.P.Sinha for their kind invitation to the wedding of their daughter Rekha, on Wednesday, 24 July 2009, at 8 pm at their residence and would be glad to attend the same and bless the newly weds.  

15 July 2009

Mr. and Mrs. G.Gupta thank Mr. and Mrs. J.P.Sinha for their kind invitation to the wedding of their daughter Rekha, on Wednesday, 24 July 2009, but regret their inability to accept the same as they have a prior pressing engagement on that day. They extend their best wishes to the newly weds.

The formal replies are in the third person
Give complete details of the event
In the regret reply the time and venue are to be left out


XYZ School
2, Penny lane
New Delhi-110067

20 December 2008

Mr. Nikhil Banerjee
33, Cross Road
New Delhi-110017

Sub: Invitation to be a Judge at our Inter-School Music competition

Dear Sir,
We have the pleasure of informing you that our school is organizing an Inter-school semi-classical music competition on January 10, 2009, from 9 am to 2 pm, in the school auditorium. Around fifteen prestigious schools will participate in the same.
We shall be deeply honoured to have a renowned singer of your stature as one of the judges for this prestigious event.  
Kindly confirm your availability. We hope for a favourable response.

Yours faithfully
G. Shankaran
Cultural Secretary


Are written like informal letters: Use First person i.e I , we etc Give event , day and date, time , venue. Seek confirmation

Your address


Dear Suresh
I have organized a small get together for close friends on the occasion of my 16th birthday, at Pizza Hut in G.K.1, on January 26th at 5 pm. I really look forward to see you there. Do confirm.
Your friend

Your address


Dear Sneha
I shall be grateful if you join me for dinner on Saturday, the 27th of December2008 at 8 pm. I am throwing a house warming party and am very keen that you visit my new house.
I hope you won’t disappoint me. Do confirm.
Yours sincerely

Note inviting seniors for a farewell
1 February 2009

Dear Seniors
We, the students of class XI cordially invite you all for a farewell party in the school auditorium from 1 pm to 6 pm on Friday, 15th February 2000. We hope to make it a memorable event for you all with a specially prepared cultural show, lunch, and a dance and photo session thereafter.
Class XI students


Dear Class XI students
Thanks for your invitation to the farewell party you are hosting in our honour on Friday, 15 February 2009, from 1 pm to 6pm, in the school auditorium. We look forward to attending the party and having an enjoyable time with you all.

Class XII students

Your address


Dear Shrishti
Thank you for your kind invitation to the house warming dinner party on 27th December’08. It would have been a real pleasure for me to meet you in your new home but I regret I won’t be able to attend it as I am travelling to Mumbai that morning. I wish you all the happiness in your new home.
Yours sincerely

Your address


Dear Ameya
Thank you for inviting me to the get together you have organized on the occasion of your 16th birthday, at Pizza Hut, on January 26th at 5 pm. I’ll be delighted to attend the same.

Your friend

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