5 marks
There is no format for answering value
based questions. Word limit- 100 words:
“When a people are enslaved, as
long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their
prison’. Because of the global
exposure provided by the internet, the youth today are easily influenced by
western culture and lifestyles. Write a note on the need to feel proud of our
culture and traditions as we carve a niche for ourselves on the world map.
Influence of western education
because of globalization and internet
Youth are most easily
As our culture is changing
because of a rising class of urban educated youth, there is need to redefine
our identity as an Indian
The new Indian identity implies
a blend of modernity with tradition, a pride in our culture and values like
respect for elders, humility, peaceful coexistence, communal harmony and
spiritual harmony.
“M Hamel stood up, very pale,
in his chair. I never saw him look so tall”.
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell
where his influence stops”. Having a
role model in our life is of great significance as it provides a direction and
urgency to our goals. Write a note on how teachers can play an important role
in guiding us and empowering us.
Teachers impart knowledge
They teach by example- worthy
of being emulated
They impart moral values like
discipline, punctuality, honesty, politeness, respect for elders, etc.
They help us develop self-
esteem, confidence and faith in our capabilities
“Oh, how sorry I was for not
learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on the saar”!
Education plays an imperative role in breaking down barriers of poverty,
ignorance and social prejudice. Write a note on the importance of education in
our lives.
They equip us for jobs that are
better paid, more stable and more skill based, thus ensuring us a better
It broadens our mind, breaks
down barriers of superstition and narrow thinking; makes us aware about social and
health issues.
Teaches us about the importance
of each person as a social being and inculcates values like communal harmony,
patriotism, social service and peaceful coexistence.
“That’s why they left, looking
for gold in the big city, where he now lives.” Migration to urban centres have
not only made cities overcrowded but have also led to the formation of slums
and worsened the law and order situation in cities. Write a note on how there
is a need to change the mind-set of the people and those in power to be
sensitive to the problem of migration.
People in small towns and
villages are lured by the glamour, wealth and better opportunities in the big
cities as they migrate in large numbers
Led to a lot of problems,
especially overcrowding and an increase in crime rate in the big cities
The authorities need to be more
sensitive to their dreams and desires for a better life and improve
infrastructure in these places and the people should be content with a simple
and uncomplicated life.
‘All we have to fear is fear
itself’. Have you ever had a fear that has affected you adversely or prevented
you from living life to the fullest? What will you do to overcome that fear?
Talk about your experience of
fear (fear of heights/ dark/ water/ insects/ closed spaces, etc.)
How you overcame it by
confronting it (briefly).
Values (courage, determination)
Most human beings are prone to
fall into the trap of material benefits, living as we do in a consumerist
society. Have you ever been tempted by
expensive things that your friends bring to school? What kind of evils can
stealing lead us to and how can we redeem ourselves from dishonest ways?
Evils- guilt, shame, fear of
being caught, low self esteem
Acceptance of fault, feel the
need to change, Courage to confess
Values (strength of character,
moral uprightness)
Have you ever heard or known of
an incident where a good deed or an act of kindness has changed a person’s view
of the world? Do you feel that one’s act of goodness can bring about a corresponding
change in another person? Discuss.
Give an example of helping
someone without expecting anything in return
Values- selflessness, empathy, sensitivity
In ‘The Interview’ Umberto Eco
confesses that he has been able to achieve so much because he works in ‘empty
spaces’ which he calls interstices. Discuss about the value of time as an
essential attribute to success.
Keeping to the targets using
discipline as an essential value
Use quotations (a stitch in
time saves nine, time and tide wait for no one)
In ‘Indigo’ the author quotes
Gandhi’s words,” …Where the peasants are so fear stricken law courts are
useless. The real relief for them is to be free from fear.” Douglas quotes
Roosevelt,” All we have to fear is fear itself.” In the light of the above
discuss ‘courage and determination’ as values which are necessary to stand up
for one’s beliefs and fulfil one’s mission.
Fear comes in the way of
standing up for what we believe in and fulfilling our targets
Courage gives us strength,
boosts self- esteem
Perseverance to overcome obstacles
and roadblocks
The lesson ‘Indigo’ records how Gandhi showed
patriotism as not merely proclaiming love for the nation in slogans and songs;
it entails respect for the values and laws of a nation and above all love for
its people. Express your views regarding the need for inculcating patriotism in
youth today.
Courage to follow the path of truth
listening to the voice of conscience
putting service before self
Abdul Kalam urges children to dream big.
Mukesh in ‘Lost Spring’ dreamt of becoming a motor mechanic, for which he was
willing to face opposition and walk miles every day. Sophie too had big dreams
but is snubbed by her father for forgetting the reality of their lives. We need
to differentiate between dreams that become a praiseworthy reality and
fantasies which make us idle dreamers. Do dreams need the strength of values to
be meaningful? Discuss.
Difference between dreams with
goals and fantasies (dreams can be a stepping stone to success. Fantasies lead
to embarrassment, disappointment, self- delusion.
Values - Grit and
determination, hardwork, perseverance, passion and belief in the goal/dream.
Rajendra Prasad reports about how Gandhi
opposed their wish to use Charles Freer Andrews as a prop to win their battle
against the British and advised them to believe in their cause. .. “Gandhi in
this way taught us a lesson in self- reliance.” India today needs people who
can inspire and lead. Who, according to you is a true leader in today’s times?
for example - Abdul Kalam
(progressive visionary, humanitarian, empathetic, humility)
Narayan Murthy- (built business on ethical principles,
humility, commitment to uplift society)
Amir Khan (using films as a
strong medium to inculcate social and
cultural values, sensitizing the masses to stand up for human values, to
initiate change, be leaders and path-breakers; Satyamev Jayate
I went to the pool
no one else was there…in came a big bruiser of a boy…he yelled, “Hi,skinny, how’d you like to be ducked?” Later,
the boy said, “But I was only fooling.”
The youth today is characterized by a total absence of concern for
others. They also act without thinking how their deeds may have long lasting
effect. Write a note in about 100 words- to be published in a youth magazine on
the need for inculcating regard for fellow beings.
Seeking fun at the expense of others is
reckless, rude and hurtful (physical and emotional)
Ragging and bullying in school leads
to extreme fear, poor self-esteem, helplessness
Need to respect fellow beings- their
individuality, space and dignity.
Take responsibility for one’s behaviour and actions
Need to bond with others
Little children selling books, toys
and knick-knacks at the traffic signals are a common sight. They are victims of
child labour and yet people roll up their windows to shut them out. Write a
note on the callousness of society and authorities to this widely prevalent
social evil.
Like rootless weeds, unwanted
Abject poverty, school dropouts,
migrants, soft targets for petty crimes
Need to build awareness of their
rights, keep promises made to them, serious implementation of schemes for
children and Right to free and compulsory education, reach out through NGOs,
sponsor a child, each one teach one, etc.
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